Români buni Europeni

Români buni Europeni


Bucharest, March 27th, 2013- The day Antena 3 sets a world record by making largest national flag in the world, Intact Media Group launches thhe campaign “Români buni Europeni”, an initiative to recognize but also to promote the Romanian values ​​resonating in Europe. Intact activates all its media platforms to support Romanians performance. It is the perfect moment to think about European standards which can make the difference and imply development. Meanwhile, Intact aims to promote European values ​​as a basis for the development of the Romanian society.

The campaign includes a calendar of events, activities and dedicated programs performed throughout the year. „Români buni Europeni ” aims to increase the confidence and motivation for entrepreneurial involvement of those who have valuable ideas which can turn into successful projects.

The campaign initiated by Intact Media Group will have an interactive component, including regional voting at regional for the most valuable community representatives.
logo Romani buni Europeni
Intact Media Group is the largest media platform in Romania with local capital, reaching an audience of over 10 million Romanian daily.

Over time, Intact actively involved in the social area, gathering, through its actions, tens of millions of euro, building houses and saving lives. The constant concern for quality content of the group has been recognized by dozens of national and international awards and valuable partnerships.

„Români buni Europeni” aims to bring Romanians the recognition of being Europeans. Through people and facts.

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Români buni Europeni

Români buni Europeni


București, 27 mai 2013 – În ziua în care Antena 3 stabilește un record mondial făcând din tricolor cel mai mare steag din lume, Intact Media Group demarează campania „€œRomâni buni Europeni”, o inițiativă menită să recunoască dar să și promoveze valorile românești cu rezonanță în Europa. Intact își implică toate platformele media în vederea susținerii românilor performanți , într-un moment în care raportarea la standardele europene poate face diferența și presupune  evoluția. În același timp, Intact își propune promovarea valorilor europene ca bază a dezvoltării societății românești. (mai mult…)