Intact has 3 of its 5 TV channels in top 10 Romanian TV stations for 2015

Intact has 3 of its 5 TV channels in top 10 Romanian TV stations for 2015


Intact is the only media Group in Romania which achieved the perfomance of having 3 TV channels – Antena 1, Antena 3 and Antena Stars – in top 10 Most Watched TV Channels in 2015, both during Prime Time and Whole Day, on the commercial target.

9.981.000 Romanians watched for at least one minute Intact’s productions, at a National level, during Whole Day, between January – December 2015. 9.808.000 TV viewers watched the same productions, on the same target, in December alone.

In December, Antena 1 broadcasted the most watched production of the month as well as the second in top 2015 productions  – “Revelionul Starurilor” ( New Year’s Eve Show) presented by Dan Negru on December 31st. “Revelionul Starurilor” was absolute leader on all important targets and reached a new audience record on the commercial target.


In 2015, the TV division leads during Day Time and Access on the commercial target as well as on most time slots, on both Urban and National targets. Intact’s TV division also holds leadership during Whole Day.

January – December 2015

Antena 1

“Revelionul Starurilor” ( New Year Eve’s Show), “Chef de ras” and “Te cunosc de undeva” ( Your face sounds familiar), “Poftiți pe la noi: poftiți și dăruiți” (You are welcome) and X Factor are Antena 1’s top 5 most watched productions ( commercial target, Urban) in 2015.

Antena 1 is audience leader during Day Time and Access, on All Urban and National targets, and holds leadership on the 18-49 target during Day time.

“Te cunosc de undeva” one of the most popular productions, was audience leader on its broadcasting slot in 83% of the time (Target: Urban All). 51% of “Acces Direct” ( Access show) editions were audience leaders, on the commercial target; 86% on All Urban target and 84% on the National target.  Therefore, Antena 1 was Romanians’ first choice, on all targets, on the interval of this show.

“Mireasă pentru fiul meu” ( May I call you Mom?) is absolute leader on all important targets – 85% of the broadcasting time on the commercial target, 77% on All Urban and 98% on the National target. Observator’s (the news bulletin) morning, 13.00 and 16.00 editions are audience leaders, on all important targets, most of the time.

8.299.000 Romanians watched Antena 1 for at least one minute in 2015, during Whole Day, at a national level.

Antena Stars

The TV channel that spins hot showbiz news has audience growth on most time slots in 2015, compared to 2014. The most important appreciation is during Morning, +25%.  The most watched shows in 2015 are “Fanteziile lui Moș Crăciun”, “Stars Awards”, “Români împreună” (National Telethon); “Star Magazin Special” and “Party – Tura with Mihai Morar”.

3.696.000 Romanians watched Antena Stars for at least one minute in 2015, during Whole Day, at a national level.


Antena 3

The most watched news channel in Romania during important events is leader on the news niche, on all time slots, both in December and on the entire 2015.

The most popular  productions in 2015 are “Sinteza zilei”,“Punctul de întâlnire”, “În premieră”, “Deșteaptă-te, române!” and “Exces de putere”.

4.474.000 Romanians watched Antena 3 for at least one minute in 2015, during Whole Day, at a national level.


Euforia TV

Euforia TV –the TV channel addressing women between 18-49 years old, has market share growth during Prime Time (29%), Morning (25%) and Late Fringe (12%) in December.  The most watched series in 2015 were “Prizoniera dragostei”, “Friends”, “Dr. House”, “Curajul iubirii” and “Sex and the city”.

1.478.000 Romanians watched Euforia TV for at least one minute in 2015, during Whole Day, at a national level.


The Group’s channel for the young generation has a 29% growth during Late Fringe in 2015. The most popular shows in 2015 were: Forza ZU, Dl Rima, ZU Party Romanian Tour, Most Wanted and ZU & The City Live Concert.

965.000 Romanians watched ZU TV for at least one minute in 2015, during Whole Day, at a national level.