Jurnalul Național

Jurnalul National, the most dynamic quality newspaper in Romania, was launched in 1993. The publication quickly rose to fame and became the undisputed market leader in quality newspaper.

Jurnalul National is a daily, having 24 pages and national coverage. It offers two weekly thematic supplements (The Health Journal and the TV Journal). Its target is highly educated and has above average revenues.

Jurnalul National has about 576.000 readers every day (according to SNA Focus). The most successful collections of the newspaper are the following: Biblioteca pentru Toti, Britannica, Cele mai frumoase povesti, Basmele Romanilor, Dictionar Universal Ilustrat, Portia de Sanatate, Povestile Bucatariei Romanesti, the CD collection: Muzica de Colectie and the DVD collection with Romanian movies: Cinemateca.

Launch: 1993
Frequency: daily
Format: Monday –Friday, Sunday
Page no: 24 (16 color)
Sunday: magazine (214 x 257 mm)
Page no: 64(full colour)

Jurnalul supplements
Format: A4+ (230x297mm)- Paper SC
Page no: 24-40 (Full color-printing)

18 years of existence
576.000 readers daily (according to NSA Focus on Jan-Dec 2010)
Readership: 28,31% marketshare
Print record: 405.517 copies(March 22nd 2004)
Readeship record: 965.000 readers daily
Sales record: 80.000 books sold in one day (May 2007)

Sales House
Cristina Iancu- Sales Manager

Soseaua Bucuresti-Ploiesti
nr. 15, et 3-4, sector 1, Bucuresti
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